Team Spotlight: Dharmesh Patel

Team Spotlight: Dharmesh Patel

Time for the third team spotlight. Today, you'll have the opportunity to get to now our web developer, Dharmesh...


Dharmesh Patel


Job title:



How long have you been working at Cypher Media?

Since 2012.


How did you get the job at Cypher Media?

I completed my first degree in 2010 specialising in web development. After graduation, I was actively looking for a job in the industry. I saw this job on one of the job sites. I straight away emailed Cypher Media along with my CV and Cover letter. Cypher Media responded to me quickly and invited me for an interview. The interview was successful and before I got home, I had an offer. I was really happy and looking forward to joining the company. It’s been 8 years and I’ve never looked back.

Before Cypher Media, I had been working in the hospitality and leisure sectors. I was looking for an entry-level position as a PHP/web developer and this was a perfect fit based on my experience and qualifications.


What do you like about working at Cypher?

Everything. The people, the atmosphere, the confident and the positivity within the team. Every day is different and brings its own challenges. As a developer, I have learnt so much over the years and continue to do so. The beauty of this place is that the people come from different backgrounds and that makes this place so interesting. This means that we will never talk about one specific thing but a variety of things, e.g. filming, event management, e-media and of course web development.


Tell us about an interesting or challenging project you worked on.

Every project is different and unique. Bringing a high level of quality to the project and customer service is at the top of our list. I have been working on various projects. All of these were and are unique and different. All of them are my favourite but the POD (Programmable Onsite Display) is one of my favourites. The POD has helped me take my programming skills to the next level. As said, I love every single project regardless of size as each project brings its own unique challenges and ability to learn new skills.


Challenge or something you've learned about working from home.

Too many cups of tea :-) Just kidding. It has been fun so far to be honest. In fact, I am more productive at home than in the office. I think that’s a good thing in my opinion. Working from home helped me in my decision making. I haven’t found any challenges or difficulties working from home. I am adapting really well. 


Some of my favourite things

I love cooking. Singing perhaps. I don’t know. Lately, I have started reading. Currently reading “Business Secrets from the Bible”. Fantastic book. Other than that, nothing much. I only need a laptop and my favourite text editor ‘Sublime Text’. Web development is my job and my passion.