Emergency First Aid at Work Recertification

Emergency First Aid at Work Recertification

We're pleased to announce that with the assistance of Medrock Training, each Cypher Media employee has been recertified with their emergency first aid at work accreditation. 

The Emergency First Aid at Work certification is crucial for workplace safety and well-being. We underwent this course as it equips individuals with the necessary skills to respond effectively in emergencies, reducing the risk of severe injuries or fatalities. We also think it's important to arm our staff with the knowledge and know-how to deal with injuries in a responsive and timely manner, as trained individuals can quickly administer care in turn preventing the victims condition from worsening whilst minimising consequences.

This six-hour refreshment course covered everything from treatments of shock, trauma, blood loss and choking right through to common workplace injuries and applying first aid through wrapping wounds and applying CPR.

This certification is recognised by both FOFATO, the Federation of First Aid Training Organisations, and FAIB, the First Aid Industry Body.