Audience-free Solutions

Audience-free Solutions

With the recent uncertainty around large-scale events and conferences, many organisations are pushing towards audienceless videos and streams.

Video is without a doubt the most powerful communication tool for dispersed audiences right now. Whether you’d like to create anything from interviews to animations we’re always available to assist you in the process.


We’ve previously spoken about our ability to live stream your conferences, via Virtual Online Meetings. With the recent travel restrictions, live streaming is really getting some traction. We can provide a full live-streaming set-up fit with a registration website for you and your delegates. This can be filmed anytime, anywhere – given that there is a strong enough internet connection. If you'd like to learn more about live streaming your events and how we can make this happen, take a look at our previous article which walks you through the process - start to finish. 

Animations & Motion Graphics

Our capable videographers & animators have tonnes of experience when it comes to creating unique and bespoke animations, illustrations and infographics. But how powerful are videos actually? 47% of marketers claim to have reduced the number of support questions after posting an entertaining yet insightful infographic. It is also claimed that 65% of people register video faster and easier than text(Realsalesvideo). Motion graphics are a simple yet effective way of conveying information to your viewers.


Interviews are important for your organisation, and we’re able to make them hassle-free. Whether you’d like to film in your own offices or ours – they’re a great audience-free solution to getting your message across. Interviews are one of the most cost-effective methods when it comes to filming. Whether you're gathering footage for future events, training or general videos for your organisation, we can assist every step of the way. 

Feel free to contact us if you'd like to discuss your own audience-free video solutions.