Annual PAT Testing Recertification

Annual PAT Testing Recertification

It's that time of the year again! At Cypher Media we prioritise safety and reliability in the fast-paced world of events and media production. As part of our commitment, we conduct an annual Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) to assess and certify our electrical appliances. Here's why this testing is crucial:

Safety Assurance: PAT testing allows us to thoroughly inspect electrical appliances for potential faults or damage that could lead to hazards such as electrical shocks or fire risks. By conducting regular testing, we ensure our equipment meets safety standards, reducing the chance of accidents or malfunctions during events.

Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with safety regulations is a legal requirement for businesses. By adhering to PAT testing guidelines, we demonstrate our dedication to providing a safe environment and meeting regulatory standards set by authorities.

Testing our equipment annual also reduces downtime, as it allows us to identify and address any potential issues that may arise with our kit in the future. As well as reducing downtime, it can also increase the longevity of equipment's life, by doing simple tests such as a visual inspection, we can catch potential issues early.