How are we preparing for the potential Brexit changes?

How are we preparing for the potential Brexit changes?

Articles and advise were recently published by the government on the potential changes that may be coming along with Brexit, we’ve spent some time thinking about, and putting policies and procedures in place to manage and minimise the effects of these changes.

If they are to happen so that we are able to continue to supply the same level of quality and service that we always have post-Brexit.

Passports: Advice that we should all take on-board, for work and domestic purposes, states that if you’re to travel within Europe, you should have at least six months on your passport on the return date of your trip, this tends to always have been the standard if you were to travel outside of anyway. To ensure we don’t run into any problems, we’re now advising all of our crew and freelancers that they are to make sure they have the necessary time left on their passport in order to travel.

EHIC and Healthcare: Post-Brexit your EHIC, or European Health Insurance Card, may no longer be valid. When travelling internationally it’s vital that all of our crew have valid travel insurance to cover any accidents, medical issues, loss of baggage and damages etc. Although we require our crew to provide their own insurance to cover the medical elements we also provide backup cover to all of our crew.

Driving Documents: A big proposed change is around driving internationally. You may need extra documents to drive country-to-country post-Brexit. As of now, your UK driving license will more than likely, not be valid when driving internationally and there may be a need to get a separate license per country, but this is on a country by country basis, so the driver needs to check what is required per country. This doesn’t apply directly to the core Cypher team as we very rarely drive outside of the UK, however we will ensure that our freelance and contracted drivers have all the required driving documentation in order to get our kit to jobs without hassle.

Disputes regarding kit and crew: We don’t know for sure if Brexit will affect how we work as an organisation when it comes to working in Europe, however if we do encounter any problems regarding kit or crew we’ve made sure, months in advance, that we have local suppliers to fall back on wherever we are headed. Whether it be specialist crew, set & staging or A/V, we’ve assured that if the worst-case scenario did happen on one of our events, we’d be covered. We are also geared up to use the ATA Carnet system for getting or kit in and out of Europe, we already do this for Switzerland and the USA, as well as other ATA Carnet, registered companies. We are also in constant discussion with our partner hauliers, working together to ensure as smooth a transition as possible.

We will keep up to date with all developments and continue to flex our policies and procedures accordingly.