Adrian and Jake are getting PAT certified!

Adrian and Jake are getting PAT certified!

 Every year we undergo a strict PAT test which ensures all the electrical equipment we are using onsite is safe and reliable to work with. The equipment is tested and either passed or failed based on a range of variables such as earth continuity, lead polarity and insulation resistance checks.

PAT tests are a legal requirement as per The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, however the regulations don’t clarify how frequently you must test your equipment, and exactly what needs to be tested. We make a habit of testing our equipment every year to assure we are compliant.

There are seven main categories of appliances that should be PAT tested, this includes IT appliances like monitors and desktops, stationary such as dishwashers, fixed equipment which is usually permanently fastened down, movable equipment that is 18kg or under which usually stays in one place but can be moved around, portable equipment that are meant to be moved whilst connected to a power source, cables and chargers and finally handheld equipment, such as electric drills.

Adrian and Jake are heading out to get fully qualified in Portable Appliance Testing. The two-day-long course ensures we are fully compliant with PAT testing all equipment in and out of our office.  The qualification is from the well-recognised education specialists, City and Guilds and the qualification allows us to list PAT testing as one of our services for surrounding businesses.